Lamifen cream, Tab (125-250mg)

Active ingredient :Terbinafine.

Forms available :

1) 125mg 14 Tablet.
2) 250mg 14 Tablet.
3) 1% 15gm cream.

The Antifungal of choice in the treatment of systemic & local fungal infection


Lamifen tablets: are indicated for the treatment of:

  • Onychomycosis (fungal infection of the toenail or fingernail) due to dermatophytes (Tinea unguium)
  • Tineacapetis
  • Fungal infection of the Skin:
  • Tinea pedis
  • (Tinea corporis / cruris)
  • Cutaneous candidiasis

Lamifen cream: is indicated for the treatment of Fungal infection of the skin e.g.:

  • Tinea corporis, cruris, cutaneous candidiasis
  • Tinea versicolor
  • Tinea pedis (athlete’s foot)